I told the European Union that they must make up their tremendous deficit with the United States by the large scale purchase of our oil and gas,
Trump said in a post on Truth SocialWhat we really need to chalk all of this up to is Trump laying the groundwork for future negotiations,
Lincicome saidScott Lincicome,
approach, Cato Institute trade scholar
Trump adds EU to list of trade partners he threatens with tariffs
Voice Of AmericaTrump tells EU: Import more US oil and gas or face tariffs
Deutsche Welle (EN)Trump threatens tariffs if EU doesn’t buy more oil and gas from US
AljazeeraTrump tells the European Union to make a 'large scale' purchase of US oil and gas or face tariffs
Insider'Tariffs all the way': Trump says European Union must buy U.S. oil and gas in trade ultimatum
CNBCTrump wants EU to buy more US oil and gas or face tariffs
The GazetteTrump Adds Europe to the List of US Trade Partners He's Threatening with Tariffs
NewsmaxTrump requires EU to buy U.S. oil and gas or face tariffs