
The True Story is an independent news aggregator launched in 2022.

The News Aggregator

Our service collects content — news articles and everything related to them — from news outlets and blogs and then combines this content into stories that are linked to broader, long-running topics.


The service is algorithm-based, so the story feed is generated automatically, not manually by editors. Algorithms collect and analyze materials from original sources, rank stories by importance and relevance.

In this way,

our users receive not just atomized news articles, but an opportunity to look at events from different angles and follow global stories in development.

In near future users will also have a chance to change the underlying news sources and other features of their feed, which will give them tools to manage their own information bubbles.

Read and write

Our website: thetruestory.news,
or a shorthand: tsof.news.
Follow us on social media: The True Story.

Get in touch with us! We are always happy to talk to our users: friends@thetruestory.news

Of course, The True Story is always open to new partners. If you are a news outlet or an owner of a social media channel, and we have not communicated yet, let's talk.

The Money

The True Story does not sell and place ads because that significantly worsens user experience and makes the service dependent on advertisers.

The first version of the service was created thanks to the resources of the founder, volunteer work, and gratuitous grants. In the future, we are counting on the support of users.

In the fall of 2022, after the completion of the MVP stage, we will offer various options for supporting the project, from a one-time donation to purchasing an account with extended features.

The Team

The head of the project is Lev Gershenzon, co-founder of Detectum.

The service was created and developed by a team of data engineers, linguists, and product designers living in six(teen?) different countries.