The dengue outbreak began in the city and the district even before the onset of the monsoon. Over the past seven months, the situation has become increasingly serious. The Malaria Department is actively spraying insecticides and fumigating both urban and rural areas, targeting dengue hotspots through site visits. Despite these efforts, the number of dengue cases continues to rise."
Speaking with the Free Press Journal, Babasaheb Pardhe, Additional Collector, NashikThe students have been admitted and are under observation; their condition is stable and they will be discharged soon. We have provided the students with kettles and mosquito repellent devices, and their food and care are being managed at the hospital. We are fumigating the hostel and surrounding areas daily and checking for other potential mosquito breeding sites.”
Nitin Udhas, Chief Social Development Officer, PMC, stated
eight posts
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Free Press Journal